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Corporate Social Responsibility(CSR)
Lexmark awarded top EcoVadis Platinum Rating for Sustainability Achievements
Lexmark ranked in the top 1% of rated companies to receive Platinum status.

TAGS: Corporate Social Responsibility(CSR)
Growing pressure from worldwide institutions and alarming reports about our climate, such as the recent IPCC report, are putting the topic of sustainability high on the agenda for every business. And with the road toward decarbonization involving many twists and turns, and even more so when it comes to decarbonizing the supply chain, proving value in these efforts as a business is more important than ever.
Here at Lexmark we understand the importance of sustainability, for our business, the wider community and the world — that's why we have set a goal to become carbon neutral across all operations by 2035. Part of this journey is continuing to find ways to contribute toward the worldwide sustainability challenges for both ourselves, our partners, and our customers. Today, we are delighted to say that we've been awarded a Platinum Rating from EcoVadis for our efforts so far.
EcoVadis is an industry-wide sustainability rating agency, helping to drive global supply chain sustainability by providing a scorecard system that rates companies across a broad range of non-financial management systems including Environmental, Labour & Human Rights, Ethics and Sustainable Procurement impacts. EcoVadis assesses a company's sustainability performance by evaluating its company's policies, actions and results, as well as input from third-party providers and external stakeholders. The rating not only shows companies where they are in terms of their sustainability performance, but it also shows the potential for improvement and creates a uniform standard that is well-communicated to the outside world. Companies are given an overall score between 0-100, based on these criteria, with the Platinum Rating being the top-most ranking a company can earn, with a score between 75-100.
Lexmark achieved a score of 77/100 at the EcoVadis assessment, which makes us the proud new owner of the EcoVadis Platinum accolade, putting us among the top 1% of rated companies. While showing the value of sustainability does not always require a stamp of approval or assessment, a rating such as EcoVadis does create a benchmark, which can turn into a standard. Moreover, it provides a level of motivation and a sense of ambition among companies, which is important when it comes to encouraging sustainability at an organizational level.
To find out more about our commitment to becoming carbon neutral by 2035, visit here.