Lexmark CX950, 951, 833, XC9525, 9535, 8355 Cyan 46.9K Toner Cartridge

cikkszám:: 79L0H20


  • Színes lézer
  • Yield Value: 46900

Termék leírása

Lexmark printers perform Best Together with genuine Lexmark supplies, giving you the advantage of consistent, reliable printing and professional quality.

Supplies product content

To close the loop, these Lexmark supplies with genuine Lexmark Unison™ Toner may contain components recovered from the LCCP. In addition, where possible, genuine Lexmark supplies are manufactured regionally to enable consistent product availability and reduce the supply chain’s environmental impact.

Flexible supplies options

Genuine Lexmark cartridges are available in a variety of yields, types and price points. Choose the option that works best for your unique business needs.

Unison™ Toner

Essential to Lexmark print system performance, Unison Toner delivers consistently outstanding image quality, long-life system reliability and remarkable sustainability. It’s advanced toner science that’s uniquely formulated for your Lexmark printer.

Lexmark Cartridge Collection Programme (LCCP)

The free and easy way to return your Lexmark toner cartridges for reuse and recycling. When you return your empty supplies through LCCP, you are helping to reduce impact on the environment and promote sustainability. Each year, millions of kilos of materials are responsibly reused and recycled, and it starts with you.

Általános adatok

cikkszám: 79L0H20
Nyomtatási technológia
  • Színes lézer
Yield Value
  • 46900
  • A festékkazettákat a meghatározott földrajzi területen való használatra tervezték. A részletekért látogasson el a www.lexmark.com/regions webhelyre.
Csomagolt méret (mm - magasság x szélesség x mélység)
  • 150 x 585 x 140 mm
Csomagolt súly (kg)
  • 0.831 kg

Elektromos adatok és működés

  • 44103103
Származási ország
  • PRC, Poland, Mexico

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